Living Life Close to the Holy Spirit

If we desire to live a life of closeness to the Spirit of God, we need to be quick to humble ourselves and not make excuses. Our resistance to the Spirit’s conviction hinders His ability to lead and guide us in the way; whereas, our humility to receive the correction and convicting work of the Spirit will bring us more grace: “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, 'God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble’” (James 4:6). Whenever you catch yourself justifying something that the Holy Spirit is showing you to be wrong, know that the enemy is busy trying to get you to rely on self rather than God’s intimate presence and His power. How Do I Gain Victory over Self, Sin, and Satan? Paul, the apostle in his letter to the church in Rome, wanted to help the believers there with the same difficulties that we face. He taught them that there is 1) Something we must know , 2) Something we must consider , and 3) Something we must present . ...