Jesus Heals a Demonized Crippled Woman

We are continuing in our daily devotions on the supernatural acts of Jesus while He walked among us. The gospel writer, Luke, shares with us the case of a lady who would probably be diagnosed by physician's today as Marie-Strümpell Disease, a fusion of the spinal bones. There are no medicines known today that can cure this physical condition. But in this particular case, the disease had a spiritual cause rather than a medical.

Early in the course of the disease, sufferers often find that the pain is relieved when they lean forward and gradually their spine begins to fuse. The more they lean in order to relieve the pain, the greater the angle, until a patient might be bent almost double. The bones become calcified and they are not able to straighten themselves. This lady had lived with this condition for 18 years.

It was a Sabbath day and the religious leaders considered healing on the Sabbath to be work. With all the leaders watching on, what would Jesus do? The woman sat there and silently trusted. The Lord Jesus knew the storm of controversy that would erupt at healing the woman on the Sabbath day, but He cared more for people than all the little rules the religious leaders had put in place. Those who were out for His blood never intimidated Him! This passage is interesting because Jesus didn’t heal her; Christ set her free from a demon that was causing the condition. When He cast out the spirit, the woman was immediately released from her crippling condition. The demon had not only caused this crippling disease 18 years previously but was keeping her tied up in a spiritual way. When Jesus put His hands on her (v. 13), she immediately straightened up. We are told that she praised God. What joy flooded her heart!

At the sound of the woman’s praise, the synagogue ruler angrily tells off the woman, accusing her of coming to be healed on the Sabbath. What a cold stone of a man he is! It does not seem right that he is in charge over a congregation of God’s people. Doesn’t it make you wonder how a man with no heart and compassion can lead the flock of God? He was indignant, what a strong word Scripture uses about him. Instead of joy at this woman’s deliverance and healing, he was angry and upset. 
The synagogue leader did not scold the Lord for healing her, but he took it out on the people in his congregation! This woman had patiently sat in her seat; it was Jesus who called her forward. It strikes me how the Lord is so quick to defend this daughter of Abraham, a child of God, from the attacks of the evil one. The enemy sometimes uses religious people to squelch out the praise of God. One would expect that a leader of a synagogue would be a lover of people, but this man showed no compassion whatsoever. His words betray his heart. Something wonderful and God-honoring had happened in his synagogue and he was angry about it. On the other side, though, we see how kind the Lord is. He encourages her by calling her a daughter of Abraham, even though she had just been released from a demon that had disabled her for 18 years. Jesus speaks words of love and affirmation to her. How kind and reassuring that must have felt to her. 

The Lord reminded the synagogue leader that animals are treated better than the Lord’s people under the heavy rules of the Jewish leadership. Doesn’t any man allow his animals to drink in the morning? One can hear the care in His voice for this poor woman that has been under the cruel bondage of Satan for 18 years. Not another day, He says. How about you? Isn’t it time you were released from whatever has bound you. Call upon the Lord with all your heart and He will hear you (Acts 2:21). 

To look at this passage in more depth, go to the Home Page and click on the All Studies box, then click the Gospel of Luke. Scroll down for study 36, Luke 13:10-20, Jesus and the Crippled Woman. Keith Thomas


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