Where Have You Left Him?

If only I knew where to find him; if only I could go to his dwelling! (Job 23:3).

Some time ago, I led a tour of 26 people to Israel for ten days and taking my son, Simeon, then aged 21 with me. We were preparing to go along the tunnels along the western side of the Temple Mount itself when without my knowledge, my son had quickly departed to put a written prayer into the cracks of the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, a place sacred to Jewish people. They believe the divine presence of God resides at the Wall. Simeon forgot to tell people that he was quickly going down to the Wall. Consequently, only 25 of us went into the tunnels to explore the buildings that go back to the time of King Herod and Jesus. 

It was single file as we walked the narrow tunnel along the Wall. When we got to the North West corner of the Temple Mount, the Wall opens up into a more substantial area where we looked at an ancient cistern. It was then that the person at the end of the line came in and I discovered that my son was missing. Is there anything more terrifying for a father? To lose my son in a strange city with a different language and culture made my heart fearful. I dashed back through the network of tunnels in search of him. Ten minutes later, I found him waiting at the entrance to the tunnel network—he was distraught at his foolish choice to wander away from his father. It was a precious time as we hugged and thanked God that we had found one another.

Many of you that find your way to this website are looking for your Father. Somehow you know in your heart you were created for more than what you are currently experiencing. There is a God-shaped void in the core of your being that you have tried to fill with religion, sex, food, cars, electronic gadgets—you name it! Satan, your unseen enemy, has many toys that he will tempt you with, like a lure designed to attract a fish. God allows trials in our lives because He knows that only through the emptiness, difficulties, and trials, will you begin to seek after Him with all your soul and leave the toys behind. What do you want at the end of your life? Will lots of toys satisfy?

I was blessed to have much of this world's goods by the time I was twenty-one, but it just gave me an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. What I really wanted was to search for my Father. And guess what? He was searching for me! He was never far away; He was waiting for me to find the bottom so that I could finally look up to Him. I searched five continents of planet Earth and 30 different countries searching for the truth. When I was ready and open to receive the truth, the Lord Jesus began filling me with joy, life, and peace. When I gave my life wholeheartedly to Christ, it was the most significant, most peaceful experience I ever had. The joy of the Lord floods the soul when a man gives up his life to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and find forgiveness for sin. 

Isn’t it time for you to find your Father? Maybe today is your day to call upon Him. Keith Thomas


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