Prayer Breaks the Hold of Dark Spiritual Forces

In our daily meditations, we have been looking at Paul the apostle’s thoughts that the world is in the grip of unseen dark spirits. We looked at the defenses God has given us, before also looking at the offensive weapons to break the power of evil. The second offensive weapon of the church is prayer: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests . With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18). We have a modern-day example of Spirit-led prayer overcoming demonic strongholds over a city in Argentina. In the book by C. Peter Wagner, Warfare Prayer pages 30-34, there is the story of a strategy to reach the city of Resistencia in the northern province of Chaco, Argentina. Ed Silvoso, an Argentinean evangelist, initiated a three-year plan to change the spiritual atmosphere over the city so that people could hear and respond to the Gospel. As of the beginning of 1990, fewer than 6...