The Helmet of Salvation

Carrying on from our meditation yesterday, the fifth piece of armor that Paul mentions is the Roman helmet. He typifies it as a helmet of salvation. Perhaps the thought in Paul's mind was that the enemy targets the mind in spiritual warfare. His attack on the mind varies from person to person, but many times to a young, immature believer, the enemy usually sows thoughts that are dismissive of the very existence of God. Doubts fly through the air in the same way as a sword attacks the head. It is then that you do not want a bag on your head instead of a helmet provided by the heavenly quartermaster. The assurance of salvation is an inner witness of the Holy Spirit that we are God's children protecting a person's mind as a helmet protects the head: "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children” (Romans 8:16). We can face every demonic attack knowing that nothing can separate us from God's love. Whatever trial or hardship, persecution, famine, danger, or sword that life throws at us, we know that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. Paul says:

38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demonsneither the present nor the future, nor any powers39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).

When we know, deep down, that nothing can separate us from God's love, not demonic powers, angels, or demons, our mind and spirit are firmly secure in the Lord. The thoughts of our minds are the most significant battleground, so Christian, be aware of the thoughts that come to mind. Any thought that does not come in line with the Word of God should be cast down and put to death. Do not let the enemy continually sow seeds of doubt in your mind. To cover and protect our minds with the helmet of salvation, we must immerse our minds in the truth of God's Word that our salvation is complete and does not rely on us. Paul, the apostle, wrote that the church of Corinth would not be led astray by Satan's cunning attacks on the mind:

But I am afraid that just as the serpent's cunning deceived Eve, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3).

The enemy would try to foster the belief in you that your standing before God depends on your behavior, but our standing before God is a finished work that God has accomplished for us. We are accepted not through our works but by the work of Jesus on the cross.

If today you are under oppressive thoughts in your mind, call sincerely upon the Lord to come and help you. What I have done in the past is to visualize condemning or lustful thoughts, grabbing hold of it and throwing it down to the ground and stamp on it. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7).

Prayer: Father, come again to Your children who today read these words. Protect them from the evil one. Grant them a fresh filling today by your Spirit. Amen. Keith Thomas

This meditation is a shortened version of the more in-depth study: The Armor of God.


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